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You sacrificed a part of yourself long ago without even realizing it.

It was your desire to create something fulfilling, meaningful, and magnificent in the world.

You just “knew” you had to “be a creator.” But you didn’t believe you could both be a creator AND have the warm home, beautiful family, and successful career.

You can have both.

In fact, embracing your inner creative is the key to happiness at work, greater success, and being fully alive as a partner, parent, sibling, and friend.

And you can start today without any massive life changes.

How do you fit a creative project into an already full life?

Your life and your family are your priority and rightfully so. I know. I’ve been there.

When I realized I could no longer ignore the voice inside – my inner creative – it was often that I told myself “I don’t have time for this.” or “why don’t you focus on the things that matter.”

But the truth is – nothing matters more than this. And moving through those doubts and stories and demons – the voices inside that put yourself down – is part of it. The trick is to do

Just one thing.

Just one thing each day and do it consistently. No matter what.

When you start honoring the part of you that is begging to be fulfilled, you will find the peace you’ve been looking for. Your dissatisfaction with life will fall away. And every part of it will get more vibrant. You will be alive again.

To get started with your “Just One Thing,” enter your email address for access to the training as soon as it’s available. Because the first step is figuring out what to create. Since you’re inner creator has been stifled for so long, you may not remember what to create. This training will help you:

  • Tap into your intuition to rediscover what you’d love to create.
  • Overcome the voice inside that says “Why even bother?” and “Who am I to create that?”
  • Stay motivated to take the small steps necessary.

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