Focus on what you LOVE
What we focus on perpetuates.
I heard this before, but I learned it as a parent. We have to teach our children what we want them to do, not what we don’t want them to do. We have to focus them in the positive direction. If we only focus on the items we don’t want, that’s all they hear and that’s what their brain and bodies learn. It’s the same situation as we get older.
We have to focus and create what we want in life. If we are only concentrating on what and why we are unhappy, then we have a hard time seeing past that. I got caught up in that recently… even with this focus, this happiness and this end goal. We’re human, it happens.
In the spirit of Valentines Day and love, here are some things I love and want to perpetuate:
– The love for my husband, my son, my family and myself. By loving myself first, then I have the energy and compassion for others. I love spending time with Matt and Gates. I’m such a homebody now and there’s rarely any place else I want to be.
– Positive surroundings. I feed off positive people and their energy. I look for the bright people who believe in possibilities.
– Great wine with Great Friends. I could hang with my best girlfriends for hours and just talk over wine… or excellent coffee. I love them both.
– I love beautiful sunsets, sunrises, blue skies and the white puffy clouds of summer in Texas. I lie in the pool and daydream looking at those clouds. I’ve done it my whole life and expect it to continue throughout the rest of it.
– Taking walks on the hike and bike trails here in Austin. When I was coming back from LA and had all my items in a 5×11′ trailer, I could have gone anywhere. I chose Austin again for several reasons, but it was the green space that put it above every place else.
– Adventure and travel. I’ve been so lucky to have traveled all over the US. Every state but 3. And to several continents. I scuba, I’ve been skydiving and love to ski and snowboard. Travel, people, new places and experiencing new things is always exciting and I want more of that with my family. π
– Freedom and willingness. I know how lucky I am to live in this country, have a job that provides for me and have time to spend with my son as he grows. I definitely want even more of that and I’m willing to make the choices to make that happen.
– And, most of all… I love being happy. I want to create more of this. For me, for you, for others. If we can create ripples of happiness, we take that forward and it affects those around us. Imagine if we could create a million little ripples all at once. I want more of that for sure.
In the spirit of this day. Focus on what you LOVE and let it perpetuate for you.
Peace and Love.
I love this and I totally agree. I work with my clients on focusing on what they want to create as opposed to what they want to ‘stop’. A simple change in focus can do wonders. I also think doing what you love is important. Doing work, hobbies, and little tings that you love doing is an important part of life. Great post. π
Hi! Thanks for the comment and the support.
I agree completely! If we can continually focus on those items we love and bring us joy, then the next steps will open up to us.
Continue the good work on your end and I look forward to seeing you here again. π